The Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the Kingdom of Spain, hereinafter referred to as "the Parties'',
Wishing to establish and develop friendly relations between the two states,
Recognizing the important role of intercultural dialogue in the bilateral relations,
Being convinced that exchanges and cooperation in the spheres of culture, education and science will contribute to a better recognition and understanding of their respective peoples and cultures,
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The Parties will implement cooperation in the spheres of culture, education and science in accordance with the present Agreement, the national legislations of their states and the recognized principles and norms of international law.
Article 2
The Parties will facilitate and promote a better recognition of the art, culture and language of their respective states, through the exchange of visits of people and cultural activities in their respective states.
Article 3
The Parties will facilitate the exchange of books, publications, bibliographic materials and audiovisual resources on the history and culture of the two states.
Article 4
The Parties will develop cooperation and direct contacts in the spheres of music, stagecraft, theatre, opera, ballet, etc. and they will facilitate the exchange of groups of artists and sole performers.
Article 5
The Parties will contribute to the realization and exchange of artistic and cultural exhibitions, as well as the participation of the representatives of the corresponding domain of the state of the other Party in such exhibitions.
Article 6
The Parties will promote cooperation and exchange of information between their cultural institutions in the sphere of cultural heritage, museums, archeology, painting, libraries, archives, publication of books and other areas of the culture, through agreements between their relevant institutions.
Each Party will grant access to the libraries, archives and other cultural, educational and scientific institutions of its respective state to the citizens of the state of the other Party.
Article 7
The Parties will contribute to the cooperation in the sphere of cinematography through the exchange of films and mutual participation in the international cinema festivals organized in their relevant states.
Article 8
Each Party will ensure, within the territory of its state, the protection of the right of intellectual property and related rights in conformity with the legislation effective in their respective states.
Article 9
The Parties will contribute to the exchange of lecturers, specialists of culture and art, scientists and experts and they will promote cooperation between the higher education, scientific, cultural institutions and research centers of the two states.
Article 10
The Parties will contribute to the studies and exchanges of students, experts and researchers of the other Party in the spheres of arts, culture, science and technology, as well as to the issuance of vocational scholarships and other assistance to the educational and scientific activities.
Article 11
The Parties will study the necessary conditions for the recognition of granted qualifications, diplomas, and academic degrees according to the order established by of the legislations of their respective states.
Article 12
The Parties will contribute to the exchange of textbooks and other didactic materials in the spheres of history, geography, culture, social-economic development, as well as to the exchange of trainings, curricula and didactic methods, published by the educational institutions of the two states.
Article 13
The Parties will contribute to the cooperation between the youth of both states and will promote exchanges between the two states.
Article 14
The coverage of the expenses derived from the activties implemented in the framework of the present Agreement, will be decided case by case, by mutual consent of the Parties and will be done from the credits provided by their respective ordinary budgets.
Article 15
The Parties will encourage cooperation in the spheres mentioned in the present Agreement, without prejudice to the rights and obligations deriving for both of them, from other international agreements to which they are parties, and in conformity with the norms of the international organizations, to which they are parties.
Article 16
In order to contribute to the practical application of this Agreement, the Parties will form an Armenian-Spanish Joint Committee, where the representatives of competent organizations of the two states will be included with equal number. The mentioned Joint Committee will reunite in the Republic of Armenia and the Kingdom of Spain alternately, on the dates set beforehand through diplomatic channels.
Article 17
The present Agreement may be amended or supplemented in any moment by mutual written consent of the Parties and the amendments and supplements will enter into effect in the manner provided in the article 19 of the present Agreement.
Article 18
Any controversy referred to the interpretation or application of the provisions of the present Agreement will be solved through consultations and negotiations between the Parties.
Article 19
This Agreement will enter into force on the day of the reception of the last written notification of the Parties to each other through diplomatic channels on the fulfillment of procedures provided by their respective national legislations for the entry into force of international treaties.
This Agreement will have a duration of 5 (five) years, automatically renewable for successive periods of equal duration, unless any of the Parties notifies in written and through diplomatic channels to the other Party about its desire to denounce the present Agreement within 6 (six) months of anticipation before the expiration of the corresponding term.
Done in Madrid on 17 June 2013 in two originals, each of them in Armenian, Spanish and English languages, all the texts being equivalent.
The Agreement has entered into force on 8 November 2013.