Text of the Official Translation
by the Ministry of Justice
of the Republic of Armenia
28 January 2005
State Registration No 05005230
8 June 2005 |
No 293-N |
Based on part 9 of Article 7 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On currency regulation and currency control", Article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On legal acts", and guided by Article 20 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia", the Board of the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia hereby decides:
1. To approve the "Procedure for providing customers with documents certifying operations for purchase and sale of foreign currency by specialised persons", pursuant to Annex 1 (attached).
2. To repeal Decision of the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia No 259 of 11 October 2000 "On receipts provided to customers by banks operating in the territory of the Republic of Armenia and the mandatory requisites thereof" from the moment of the entry into force of this Decision.
3. This Decision shall enter into force on 1 August 2005.
Governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia |
T. Sargsyan |
10 June 2005 Yerevan |
Annex 1 Approved by Decision of the Board of the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia No 293-N of 8 June 2005 |
1. This Procedure shall prescribe the minimum requisites of documents certifying operations for purchase and sale of foreign currency (hereinafter referred to as "the receipt") by specialised persons carrying out cash operations for purchase and sale of foreign currency in the territory of the Republic of Armenia, as well as the procedure for and the form of provision of the receipts to customers.
2. The concepts used in this Procedure shall be used in the following meanings:
(1) "Specialised person" — pursuant to part 13 of Article 3 of the Law "On currency regulation and currency control".
(2) "Automatic device for performing financial operations (ADPFO)" (hereinafter also referred to as "the automatic device") — pursuant to the meaning defined by the "Procedure for performing financial operations via automatic self-servicing devices" approved by Decision of the Board of the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia No 196-N of 28 November 2023.
3. The receipt certifying operations for purchase and sale of foreign currency provided to customers by employees of specialised persons must at least include the requisites (information) prescribed by sub-points 1-11 and 15 of this point, and in the cases provided for by point 5 of this Procedure — also by sub-points 12-14 of this point:
(1) name of the specialised person (in case of transactions conducted by branches — also the name of the branch);
(2) location of the specialised person (in case of transactions conducted by branches — also the location of the branch);
(3) number of the authorisation/licence of the specialised person;
(4) taxpayer identification number;
(5) serial number;
(6) computer registration number;
(7) date and time of conducting the transaction;
(8) transaction type ("foreign currency purchase" or "foreign currency sale");
(9) exchange rate of the transaction in AMD;
(10) purchased amount (amount in numbers and words), currency (foreign currency code);
(11) sold amount (amount in numbers and words), currency (foreign currency code);
(12) name, last name of the customer (representative of the legal person) (for the representatives of legal persons — also the name, registered office of the organisation);
(13) data of the identification document of the customer (representative of the legal person);
(14) signature of the customer (representative of the legal person);
(15) signature of the executing officer/employee.
4. The receipt certifying operations for purchase and sale of foreign currency provided to customers by specialised persons via automatic devices must at least include the requisites (information) prescribed by sub-points 1-10 of this point, and in the cases provided for by point 5 of this Procedure — also by sub-points 11-12 of this points:
(1) name of the specialised person;
(2) data identifying the automatic device (identifier and the address of installation);
(3) number of the authorisation/licence of the specialised person;
(4) taxpayer identification number;
(5) a code certifying the authorisation and/or the serial number (where available);
(6) date and time of conducting the transaction;
(7) transaction type ("foreign currency purchase" or "foreign currency sale");
(8) exchange rate of the transaction in AMD;
(9) purchased amount (amount in numbers and words), currency (foreign currency code);
(10) sold amount (amount in numbers and words), currency (foreign currency code);
(11) name, last name of the customer (representative of the legal person) (for the representatives of legal persons — also the name, registered office of the organisation);
(12) data of the identification document of the customer (representative of the legal person).
5. Availability of the information prescribed by sub-points 12-14 of point 3 and sub-points 11-12 of point 4 of this Procedure on receipts shall be mandatory for operations for purchase and sale exceeding AMD 100.000 (one hundred thousand).
6. In addition to the requisites prescribed in points 3 and 4 of this Procedure, specialised persons may define additional requisites of receipts by their internal acts.
7. The transaction for purchase and sale of foreign currency shall not be allowed to be divided into two or more parts for the purpose of evading the requirements provided for by this Procedure or not complying with them. Transactions divided in the course of exercising currency control may be considered as one transaction.
8. A specialised person shall be obliged to provide the customer, through an employee, with a receipt on the conduct of each transaction for purchase and sale of foreign currency; moreover:
(1) the receipts must be drawn up electronically — via computers or cash register machines. Availability of the data prescribed by sub-points 1-7 of point 3 of this Procedure in the receipts may be ensured by the computer software of the specialised person automatically (shall not be subject to entry while carrying out each operation for purchase and sale of foreign currency). The serial number of the receipt, the computer registration number, the date and time of conducting the transaction must be fixed by the computer and must not be subject to change.
(2) While conducting the transaction for purchase and sale of foreign currency, the employee of the specialised person shall enter the required data into the system and the receipt shall be printed in two copies. One copy of the receipt must be provided to the customer.
(3) While carrying out cash operations for purchase and sale of foreign currency, the employee must provide the customer with a copy of the receipt prior to the provision of the sold cash or at least concurrently with the cash.
9. After conducting each transaction via an automatic device, the specialised person shall provide the customer with a receipt certifying the conduct of the transaction. The automatic device may not provide a receipt only in case of clear consent of or expression of will by the customer on not receiving a receipt. Moreover, in this case the receipt certifying the conduct of the transaction shall be deemed as provided within the meaning of the Law "On currency regulation and currency control".
10. The second copy of the receipt shall be kept with the licensed person in paper and/or electronic form for a term of 3 years, except for exchange offices. The second copy of receipts shall be kept with the exchange offices in paper and/or electronic form for a term of 1 year.
11. The exchange rate of the transaction for purchase and sale of foreign currency in AMD may be entered into the system or changed only by the authorised employee of the specialised person; moreover, in case of banks, branches of foreign banks operating in the territory of the Republic of Armenia and credit organisations, the authorised employee indicated in this point must not be an employee servicing the customer.
(Annex amended by No 226-N of 6 June 2006, amended, supplemented by No 536-N of 12 September 2006, No 120-N of 17 April 2007, edited by No 295-N of 18 September 2007, No 49-N of 12 March 2015, No 249-N of 27 December 2022, No 202-N of 28 November 2023)
Published on a joint site 17.12.2024.