With changes and additions by No 1514-N of 30 November 2017
"I hereby ratify"
President of the Republic of Armenia
R. Kocharyan
18 April 2006
No 458-N of 23 March 2006
Guided by Article 261 of the Labour Code of the Republic of Armenia, the Government of the Republic of Armenia hereby decides:
1. To approve:
(a) the Procedure for record-registration of and official investigation into occupational diseases (poisonings), pursuant to Annex No 1;
(b) the Procedure for record-registration of and official investigation into accidents at work, pursuant to Annex No 2;
(c) the List of occupational diseases (poisonings), pursuant to Annex No 3.
2. The Procedures for record-registration of and technical, professional investigation into technogenic accidents, incidents, fatal or severe occupational accidents having taken place in the hazardous production facilities and electric power installations operating within the territory of the Republic of Armenia (being prepared, conserved, dismantled for the purpose of operation) shall be established as prescribed by Laws of the Republic of Armenia “On state supervision in the field of energy and in the sector of energy services” and “On state regulation of technical security assurance”, respectively.
3. To repeal Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No 121 of 25 April 1996 “On approving the list of occupational diseases”.
4. This Decision shall enter into force on the tenth day following the day of its official promulgation.
Prime Minister |
A. Margaryan |
17 April 2006 Yerevan |
Annex No 1 to Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No 458-N of 23 March 2006 |
1. This Procedure shall establish the social relations pertaining to notification, record-registration of, conduct of official investigation into, as well as ensuring of required information on the occupational diseases (poisonings) in the Republic of Armenia, enshrine the functions of the employer with regard to implementing measures aimed at record-registering, timely organising official investigation into and eliminating consequences of occupational diseases (poisonings). This Procedure shall establish also the functions of the Healthcare Inspection Body of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia (hereinafter referred to as “the Inspection Body”) pertaining to the record-registration of and conduct of official investigation into occupational diseases (poisonings). The main purpose of conducting official investigation into occupational diseases (poisonings) shall be disclosure of emergence, causes, conditions of occupational diseases (poisonings) and persons responsible therefor, ensuring of implementation of measures aimed at eliminating and preventing violations recorded as a result of the official investigation.
(point 1 amended by No 1514-N of 30 November 2017)
2. The cases of diseases included in the list of occupational diseases approved by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia shall be subject to record-registration and official investigation. When diagnosing occupational diseases, the names and codes of occupational diseases included in the index code enshrined under the international index code of diseases approved as prescribed and received state registration as prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia must be used.
3. The following main concepts shall be used in this Procedure:
occupational disease (poisoning) — disease, the decisive role of emergence whereof belongs to the impact of unfavourable factors of production environment and work process;
acute occupational disease (poisoning) — disease emerged as a result of lump-sum (during one work shift) impact of adverse production factors;
chronic occupational disease (poisoning) — disease emerged as a result of repeated and continuous impact of adverse production factors.
4. The medical organisation detecting (suspending) the given disease shall, within 6 hours, notify the Inspection Body on each case of acute occupational disease (poisoning) by phone or through other communication means and shall, within 24 hours, send a notification thereto (Form No 1).
(point 4 amended by No 1514-N of 30 November 2017)
5. In case of concurrent recording of 2 and more acute occupational diseases (poisonings), the notification shall be filled in for each patient separately.
6. The healthcare organisations shall maintain statistical record-registration of acute occupational diseases (poisonings).
7. The healthcare organisation shall — following the change or confirmation of diagnosis of the occupational disease (poisonings) — draw up a notification on the change or confirmation of diagnosis of the acute occupational disease (poisoning) (Form No 2) and shall, within 24 hours, send it to the Inspection Body.
(point 7 amended by No 1514-N of 30 November 2017)
8. The specialised healthcare organisation included in the list approved by the order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia shall — within 3 days following the final diagnosis of the chronic occupational disease (poisoning) — send a notification on the chronic occupational disease (poisoning) to the Inspection Body (Form No 3).
(point 8 amended by No 1514-N of 30 November 2017)
9. The hygienic description of working conditions issued by the Inspection Body in accordance with point 20 of the Procedure approved by Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No 1089-N of 15 July 2004 shall be taken as a basis for the final diagnosis of the chronic occupational disease (poisoning).
(point 9 amended by No 1514-N of 30 November 2017)
10. Each case of an occupational disease (poisoning) shall be subject to official investigation.
11. The official investigation shall be conducted by the commission to be established by the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia which comprises representatives of the Inspection Body, those proposed by the trade union of the organisation, the employer, and, where necessary, other interested organisations.
(point 11 amended by No 1514-N of 30 November 2017)
12. During the official investigation, the employer shall be obliged to submit to the commission the information and documents required for the investigation, as well as to ensure conditions necessary for the activities of the commission.
13. The official investigation into the acute occupational disease (poisoning) shall be conducted within 24 hours following the receipt of the notification on the acute occupational disease (poisoning).
14. Where the acute occupational disease (poisoning) is concurrently an accident occurred at the workplace, the given case shall also be investigated in accordance with the procedure of official investigation into accidents at work.
15. The official investigation into the case of a chronic occupational disease (poisoning) shall be conducted within 10 days following the receipt of the notification on the chronic occupational disease (poisoning).
16. During the official investigation, the commission shall:
(a) conduct a study of the workplace, organise laboratory and instrumental tests of adverse production factors;
(b) carry out hygienic description and assessment of working conditions (workplace);
(c) reveal the conditions and possible causes of emergence of the occupational disease (poisoning).
17. An act of official investigation (Form No 4) shall be drawn up based on the results of the official investigation into the occupational disease (poisoning). One copy of the act shall be provided to each member of the commission, the victim, and, where necessary, to the insurance organisation having insured the victim.
18. The commission may give assignments to the employer based on the results of the official investigation, and the employer shall, within the time limits provided for by the commission, present the information on the performance thereof.
19. The official investigation into the occupational disease (poisoning) of a person seconded by the employer for temporary work (study) outside the permanent workplace, shall be organised by the commission formed in accordance with point 11 of this Procedure at the temporary workplace.
20. The state statistical record-registration of occupational diseases
(poisonings) shall be carried out by the Inspection Body in the Register of record-registration (Form No 5). The state statistical record-registration shall be carried out based on the final diagnoses of the specialised healthcare organisations approved by the order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia provided for by point 19 of the Procedure approved by Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No 1089-N of 15 July 2004.
(point 20 amended by No 1514-N of 30 November 2017)
21. The information on the occupational diseases (poisonings) shall be provided to the interested bodies as prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
Minister-Chief of Staff of the Government of the Republic of Armenia |
M. Topuzyan |
Form No 1
Notification No
1. Name of medical organisation ___________________________________________
(address, telephone number, fax)
(name, surname of physician)
2. Name, surname, father's name of patient _________________________________
3. Sex _____________________
4. Age (date of birth) _____________________________________________________
5. Place of work _________________________________________________________
(name, address, telephone number, fax of organisation)
6. Primary diagnosis of disease ____________________________________________
7. Possible adverse production factors causing acute occupational disease ________
Head of medical organisation ________________________________________________
Date and time of sending notification ____________ _________________________ 200
Date and time of receiving notification ___________ _________________________ 200
Name, surname of recipient ___________________ ______________________________
(signature, date)
Form No 2
Notification No
1. Name of medical organisation ___________________________________________
(address, telephone number, fax)
2. Name, surname, father's name of patient _________________________________
3. Sex __________________________
4. Age (date of birth) _____________________________________________________
5. Place of work_________________________________________________________
(name, address, telephone number, fax of organisation)
6. Name of healthcare organisation transferring patient _______________________
(name, address, telephone number, fax of organisation)
7. Admission date of patient _______________________________________________
8. Primary diagnosis of disease when admitting ______________________________
9. Accurate (changed) diagnosis ___________________________________________
Head of medical organisation ________________________________________________
Date and time of sending notification to the Healthcare Inspection Body _____________ ____________ 200
Date and time of receiving notification ______________ __________________________
Name, surname of recipient _______________________ __________________________
(signature, date)
(Form amended by No 1514-N of 30 November 2017)
Form No 3
Notification No
1. Name of medical organisation ___________________________________________
(address, telephone number, fax)
2. Name, surname, father's name of patient _________________________________
3. Age (date of birth) ________________________________ Sex ________________
4. Place of work _________________________________________________________
(name, address, telephone number, fax of the organisation)
5. Final diagnosis and/or code of disease ____________________________________
6. Adverse production factors causing occupational disease (poisoning) __________
7. Date of final diagnosis _______________ ______________________________ 200
Head of medical organisation ________________________________________________
Date of sending notification to the Healthcare Inspection Body _____ __________ 200
Date of receiving notification _________________ ___________________________ 200
Name, surname of recipient____________________ _____________________________
(signature, date)
(Form amended by No 1514-N of 30 November 2017)
Form No 4
1. Date of drawing up ____________________________________________________
(day, month, year)
2. Name of legal person __________________________________________________
(address, telephone number, fax)
3. Name of patient's workplace ____________________________________________
(address, telephone number, fax)
where, total number of employees ____________________________________________
4. Name of workplace ____________________________________________________
5. Composition of the commission conducting official investigation ______________
(date of inquest) (name, surname, father's name, position)
(place of work)
(inquest of the case of occupational disease (poisoning) has been carried out and decided)
6. Case: ________________________________________________________________
(day, month, year, time, minute)
7. Date of reporting of the case of disease (poisoning) to the Healthcare Inspection Body of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia
(day, time, month, year)
8. Name of the healthcare organisation diagnosing, suspending, confirming the disease (to be underlined)
(address, telephone number, fax)
9. Disease (poisoning) is detected; in case of mandatory medical examination or application (to be underlined)
10. |
NN i/s |
Name, surname, father's name |
Sex |
Age |
Occupation, position |
Employment record |
Diagnosis (primary, final) |
Condition of the patient at the moment of the inquest: capable to work at his or her position, transferred to another job, is undergoing ambulatory medical care, hospitalised, disabled, died (to be underlined) |
Note | |||
by the given profession |
at the given workplace (site, division) |
in conditions of the impact of adverse production factors causing occupational disease (poisoning) |
primary |
final | ||||||||
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 | |
11. Occupational disease (poisoning) has emerged in the following situation and conditions
(a detailed description of non-compliance with the production process according to the technological regulations is given,
violation of operation of technological equipment, devices,
working tools, passport regime, violation of working regime;
the emergency situation, breakdown of protective means and mechanisms, ventilation, air conditioning system,
shielding, warning light, failure to comply with
technical safety rules,
lack (failure to use) of individual protection measures, physical, moral depreciation of production equipment,
ineffective operation of the ventilation system, lack of
life-saving equipment, etc.)
12. Multiple, simultaneous impact of the mentioned adverse production factors (long-term, short-term (during the shift) on the human body has been a direct cause of emergence of the occupational disease (poisoning) (to be underlined) ______________
13. The official duties have been performed, failed to be performed by the responsible person (indicate in detail what has failed to be performed) _____________
14. Based on the results of the investigation, the commission shall decide that the given occupational disease (poisoning) has emerged
(indicate the particular situation and conditions, the number of patients)
Direct cause of the disease (poisoning) has been ________________________________
(indicate the particular adverse production factor)
Person directly responsible for the emergence of the given case of occupational disease (poisoning)
(name, surname, father's name, position)
who failed to comply with the requirements of regulatory documents _______________
(indicate the titles of regulatory documents)
Person indirectly responsible ________________________________________________
(name, surname, father's name, position)
who failed to ensure the compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents
(indicate the titles of regulatory documents)
15. For the purpose of preventing the further cases of occupational disease (poisoning) it is proposed to
(name, surname, father's name of the official to be indicated)
(tasks, measures to eliminate the recorded violations
and deadlines for implementation thereof)
This act is composed of 5 pages in 4 (four) copies
Members of the Commission: |
__________________________________________ (name, surname, signature) |
__________________________________________ (name, surname, signature) |
__________________________________________ (name, surname, signature) |
I received the copy of the act
Responsible person of the organisation |
__________________________________________ (name, surname, signature) |
Patient (victim) __________________________________________________________________________________________ (name, surname, signature) |
(Form amended by No 1514-N of 30 November 2017)
Form No 5
i/s |
Date of receipt of notification |
Name, surname, father's name |
Sex |
Age |
Organisation |
Workplace |
Profession |
Employment record |
Adverse factor |
The occupational disease and the type: acute (poisoning) or chronic | ||
by the given profession |
of the period of contact with the adverse production factor causing occupational disease |
main |
intercurrent | |||||||||
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
Diagnosis |
Disease has been detected (during periodic medical examination or when apllying) |
Name of the medical organisation making the final diagnosis |
Name of the healthcare organisation conducting dispensary observation |
Clinical outcomes | |||||||||
preliminary (according to the notification) |
final (according to the notification) |
proximate outcomes |
long-term outcomes | ||||||||||
without loss of capacity to work |
with temporary loss of capacity to work (outpatient treatment, hospitalisation) |
temporary transfer to another job |
death (within the first 2 days after the case) |
capacity to work for the position of the given profession |
capacity to work for the position of the given profession |
disability group |
diagnosis of the long-term clinical outcome |
death | |||||
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
(Annex amended by No 1514-N of 30 November 2017)
Annex No 2 to Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No 458-N of 23 March 2006 |
1. This Procedure shall establish the unified approaches to record-registration of and conduct of official investigation into the cases of accidents at the workplace (hereinafter referred to as "accidents at work") in the Republic of Armenia, regulate the process of record-registration of the accidents at work having occurred in the organisation.
2. The accidents at work that occurred with the employees engaged in permanent, temporary, seasonal work, non-regular employees and those working concurrently, self-employed employees, with students and learners during the internships or performing work in organisations, with security guards, military servants seconded to state bodies, organisations, institutions and educational institutions, persons sentenced to imprisonment, during the period of engaging in work in organisations, shall be subject to official investigation and record-registration.
3. Where the accident at work is concurrently an acute occupational disease (poisoning), it shall also be subject to simultaneous official investigation in accordance with the procedure for official investigation into the occupational diseases.
4. Accidents at work shall be deemed to be (including those caused by other persons) the body injuries, heatstrokes, burns, electric shocks, frostbites, drowning, lightning stroke, the injuries caused due to contact with animals and insects, as well as the body injuries having suffered as a result of explosions, demolition of buildings, natural disasters and other emergency situations that have resulted the need to transfer the employee to another job, temporary incapacity for work or disability, death of the employee.
All the accidents at work shall be subject to record-registration and official investigation.
5. This Procedure shall extend to the accidents at work that occurred:
(a) when performing the official duties (including during secondments), as well as when carrying out any activity for the benefit of the organisation, even without the assignment of the employer;
(b) when being transferred to and from the workplace by the transport allocated by the organisation, as well as by another organisation under a contract (bid);
(c) during working hours (including established breaks), prior to beginning of the work and immediately after the completion of the work within the period necessary for arranging the production means, working tools, outwear and other items;
(d) during the clean-up event (Sunday clean-up event) irrespective of the place of the event;
(e) during accidents — at different subdivisions of the production organisation or on equipment;
(f) when being in the vehicle, with the employees at the shift accommodation, second men, those of water transport, as well as with employees working on a shift-expedition basis;
(g) during work — with an employee travelling by public transport or on foot, the activity whereof is related to transportation between the serviced organisations, as well as on the way to the workplace upon the assignment of the employer;
(h) during work — during the official trip by the transport of the organisation upon the order of the employer (in case of having the right to motor vehicle driving).
6. The accident at the workplace, which causes loss of working capacity of an employee for not less than one day or requires him or her to be transferred to another job for one or more days based on a medical opinion, shall be formalised by the act on an occupational accident (Form No 1). The employer shall be obliged to hand over one copy of the act on the accident at work to the victim or his or her legal representative.
7. The employer shall be held liable for accurate and timely official investigation into and record-registration of the accidents at work, formulation of acts, development and implementation of measures to eliminate the causes of the accidents at work.
8. In case a victim or his or her representative disagrees with the act of the official investigation into the accident at work, the results of the official investigation may be appealed before the Unified Appeal Commission of Inspection Bodies or through judicial procedure.
(point 8 amended by No 1514-N of 30 November 2017)
9. The employee having suffered from the accident at the workplace (if capable), as well as the person having witnessed the incident or the consequences thereof, shall be obliged to immediately notify the head of the subdivision, the employer and the service of the organisation in charge of safety and health of employees thereon.
10. The employer shall be obliged to organise emergency and urgent medical aid and/or transfer the victim to a healthcare organisation.
11. Prior to beginning of the official investigation into the accident at work the employer shall be obliged to maintain the situation at the workplace and condition of the equipment in the same way as it was at the moment of occurring the case, where it does not threaten the life and health of the employees and does not cause another accident.
12. The employer shall establish a commission with composition of not less than 3 members at the organisation for the official investigation into the accident at work referred to in point 4 of this Procedure. The representatives of the employer, the service for ensuring the safety of employees and maintaining their health shall be included in the composition of the commission. Where less than 3 employees work at the organisation, the composition of the commission may be formed by including at least one representative of the employer. The employer shall form the composition of the commission upon an order.
13. The commission shall be obliged to:
(a) conduct, within a three-day period, official investigation into the circumstances and causes of the accident at work, get explanations from witnesses, the persons having committed violations of rules and instructions of protection of security of technical maintenance and work, as well as the victim, where possible;
(b) draw up an act in 4 copies, where the causes of the accident at work and the measures aimed at preventing thereof shall be indicated. The explanations of the witnesses and the victim, plans, schemes and other documents (existence of machinery, equipment, hazardous and adverse production factors, medical opinion) describing the situation of the workplace shall be attached to the act. All the accidents at work, on which an act has been drawn up, shall be registered at the special register of the organisation (Form No 2).
14. The employer shall immediately undertake measures to eliminate the causes of the accident at work in the production, approve, within a three-day period following the completion of the official investigation, 4 copies of the act (where the accident at work occurred with an insured person, an additional copy of the act shall be drawn up to present to the insurance company) and one copy along with the materials of the official investigation shall be sent to the victim or the legal representative thereof, the Inspection Body.
(point 14 amended by No 1514-N of 30 November 2017)
15. The accident at work, on which the victim or the witness fails to inform the employer during the work shift or the incapacity for work has occurred not immediately, shall be subject to official investigation not later than within one month following the day of applying by the victim or the person representing his or her interests.
16. The accident at work, which occurred in the organisation with a person having been seconded from another organisation to perform an assignment or official duties, shall be record-registered and the official investigation shall be conducted by the commission established by the employer in the territory whereof the accident at work has occurred. The composition of the commission shall comprise the authorised representative of the organisation, the employee whereof is deemed to be the victim.
17. The accident at work having occurred with the employee temporarily transferred by the organisation to another organisation or the one working concurrently shall be record-registered and subject to official investigation by the organisation where accident at work has occurred.
18. The accident at work having occurred with the employee of the organisation while performing work in a work site allotted in another organisation shall be record-registered and subject to official investigation by the organisation that has allotted the work site.
19. The record-registration of and official investigation into the case of the accident at work having occurred with the personnel of the military construction squad (military units) performing works in an organisation on a contractual basis shall be conducted by the given organisation with the participation of the command of the military construction squad.
20. The accidents at work having occurred with learners of general educational schools, colleges, secondary vocational educational institutions, students of higher educational institutions, where the internship or the work performed is conducted under the management of the organization, shall be record-registered and subject to official investigation by the organisation with the participation of a representative of the educational institution.
21. The accidents at work having occurred with learners of general educational schools, colleges, secondary vocational educational institutions, students of higher educational institutions in the organisation, who undergo internship and perform work under the supervision of a lecturer at the work site separated for that purpose in the organisation, shall be record-registered and subject to official investigation by the educational institution with the participation of a representative of the organisation.
22. The employer shall, upon an order, establish a commission for the official investigation into group, severe and fatal accidents having occurred at the workplace. The commission shall comprise the representatives of the employer, the victim, the service for ensuring the safety of employees of the organisation and maintaining their health.
23. The official investigation into a group accident at work with more severe consequences with 5 or more people killed, shall be conducted by the commission established by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
24. The accidents at work having occurred with the employees in the means of transportation (in the cars, trains, planes, water transport) outside the territory of the organisation, shall be subject to official investigation by the commission, by using the materials of the official investigation conducted by the relevant state bodies.
25. Upon the request of the commission conducting the official investigation, the employer shall be obliged to:
(a) invite specialists, experts to participate in the official investigation into the accident at work;
(b) make technical calculation, conduct laboratory examinations, tests and perform other works;
(c) take photos of the scene of the accident at work and present other necessary materials;
(d) provide the necessary means of transportation and communication, the necessary outerwear and individual protective measures for conducting the investigation;
(e) ensure the necessary copies of the materials of the official investigation into the accident at work.
26. The expenses for making technical calculation, conducting laboratory examinations, tests and performing other works and inviting specialists shall be made by the organisation where the accident at work is record-registered and investigated.
27. During the official investigation, the commission shall take written and oral explanations from heads of the organisation and heads of structural subdivisions, employees, witnesses and other persons, where possible, also from the victim.
28. The commission conducting the official investigation shall, within 15 days, examine the accident at work and draw up an act of the official investigation into group, severe and fatal accidents at work (Form No 3). The act shall be formulated within 24 hours after conducting the official investigation in accordance with the conclusion of the commission. Where necessary, the time limit of the official investigation may be extended by the body forming the composition of the commission.
29. The materials of the official investigation shall include:
(a) the order of the employer on establishment of the commission of the official investigation;
(b) the act of the official investigation into group, severe and fatal accidents at work, attaching a copy of the act drawn up separately for each victim;
(c) the plan, layout (drawings) and photos of the scene of the incident;
(d) the inquiries, explanations of witnesses and participants of the accident at work, the documents for observing the requirements for technical regulations, rules and instructions of safety and health protection of employees;
(e) information on training and instruction of the victim for observing the requirements of rules and instructions of safety and health protection;
(f) medical opinions on the nature and degree of injury suffered by the victim, and in case of death — the causes thereof;
(g) expert opinion on the causes of the accident at work, the results of laboratory examinations, tests;
(h) statement of information on the material damage caused due to the accident;
(i) excerpts, instructions on measures ensuring safe conditions for work and orders for appointing persons responsible for the implementation thereof;
(j) assignments previously given by the Inspection Body on the detected violations of the rules of labour protection , if any;
(point 29 amended by No 1514-N of 30 November 2017)
30. The materials of the official investigation shall — within a three-day period following the completion of the official investigation into the accident at work — be sent to the Inspection Body, the Prosecutor's Office, as per the scene of accident; in case the victim is insured, one copy of the act shall be sent to the relevant insurance organisation.
(point 30 amended by No 1514-N of 30 November 2017)
31. The employer shall be obliged to examine the materials of the official investigation into the accident at work, undertake measures to execute the opinion of the commission aimed at eliminating the causes of the accident at work and to subject the persons having violated the requirements for safety rules to liability.
32. The employer shall be obliged to notify the Inspection Body in writing, on the implementation of the measures proposed by the commission conducting the official investigation into the accident at work.
(point 32 amended by No 1514-N of 30 November 2017)
Minister-Chief of Staff of the Government of the Republic of Armenia |
M. Topuzyan |
1. Date and time of accident at work ________________________________________
(day, month, year and time of production accident at work,
number of full-time working hours from the beginning of work)
2. Organisation where the accident at work occurred __________________________
(name and address, branch)
Name of workshop, site _____________________________________________________
3. Commission conducting investigation _____________________________________
(names, surnames, father's names, positions and workplace of members of the commission)
4. Organisation having seconded the employee _______________________________
(name, address)
5. Data on victim: name, surname, father's name _____________________________
sex ______________________________________________________________________
age ______________________________________________________________________
profession (position) ________________________________________________________
employment record of the work, during which the accident at work occurred ______
(number of full years and months)
6. Instruction, training on safety ___________________________________________
Initial instruction ___________________________________________________________
(day, month, year)
Instruction at the workplace for the profession or type of work, during which the accident at work occurred
(day, month, year)
Training for the profession or type of work, during which the accident at work occurred _________________________________________________________________
(day, month, year)
Date of testing the knowledge for the profession or type of work, during which the accident at work occurred
(day, month, year)
7. Description of circumstances of the accident at work ________________________
Type of accident ___________________________________________________________
Causes of the accident at work _______________________________________________
Equipment having caused the injury __________________________________________
(name, type, model, year of issue, manufacturing organisation)
Fact of being under the affect of alcohol or drugs by the victim ___________________
(yes, no, degree of drunkenness)
Medical opinion on the diagnosis of damage caused to health _____________________
8. Persons having violated the state regulatory requirements for work safety and healthcare
(name, surname, father's name, indicating the requirements violated thereby)
Organisation whose employees the given persons are ____________________________
(name, address)
9. Witnesses of the accident at work ________________________________________
(name, surname, father's name, place of permanent residence and telephone number)
10. Measures and time limits to eliminate the causes of the accident at work
Chairperson of the Commission |
__________________________ (signature, date) |
Members of the Commission: |
__________________________ (signature, date) |
__________________________ (signature, date) |
__________________________ (signature, date) |
Head of the organisation |
__________________________ (signature, date) |
____ ________________ 2006
Form No 2
(name of organisation)
NN i/s |
Year, month, day of accident at work |
Surname, name, father's name, date of birth of victim |
Total employment record, special employment record |
Place of accident at work (workshop, site) |
Type of the accident |
Nature and degree of severity of injury |
Brief description of circumstances and causes of accident at work |
Number of the act of accident at work and year, month of drawing up thereof |
Consequences of accident at work |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
Form No 3
_______________________________________________________________________ -in
(name of organisation and place of accident at work)
employed as ______________________________________________________________
(profession, position)
(surname, name, father's name)
as per the act of accident at work No _________ of ___ 200
As a result of accident at work
What the injury resulted in: recovered, transferred to a light work, became disabled of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd group, died (to be underlined respectively).
Diagnosis on the basis of a certificate on incapacity for work or statement of information of the medical institution |
Dismissed from work |
Days of incapacity for work |
(time limit) |
(number) |
working |
(days) |
(To be completed after the recovery of the victim's temporary incapacity for work)
Material damage
paid according to the certificate on incapacity for work __________________________
cost of damaged equipment _________________________________________________
cost of damaged tool _______________________________________________________
cost of damaged materials ___________________________________________________
cost of demolished premises, constructions ____________________________________
other expenses ____________________________________________________________
total _____________________________________________________________________
Employer (or his or her authorised person) ____________________________________
Accountant of the organisation _______________________________________________
Form No 4
Investigation into the accident at work, which occurred on ______ _______ 200, at ____ _____ minute
(name of organisation, superior body, branch)
conducted within the following periods: from _____ _______ 200 until ___ _____ 200
Persons conducting investigation _____________________________________________
(names, sunames, father's names, positions, workplace)
____________________________________________________ have drawn up this act.
1. Information on victim (victims) __________________________________________
(name, suname, father's name, day, month, and year of birth, profession (position)
total employment record, including at the given organisation, marital status,
composition of and information on the members under his or her custody)
2. Brief description of the scene (object) of incident where the accident at work occurred
(description of the scene of accident indicating hazardous and adverse production
factors, equipment, types thereof, main parameters, date of issue, etc.)
3. Circumstances of accident at work _______________________________________
(description of activities of victim and other persons related to the accident at work,
statement of sequence of events, etc.)
4. Causes of emergence of accident at work _________________________________
(indicate the main causes of the accident at work,
particularly what requirements of legislative and other legal acts of labour safety have been violated)
5. Measures aimed at preventing the elimination of causes of accidents at work and occurrence of such incidents
(indicate the content of measures, time frames for implementation thereof and responsible persons)
6. Conclusion of persons having conducted the investigation on the committed violations of legislation and other legal acts of the Republic of Armenia, indicating the persons having committed them ______________________________________________
7. List of documents and materials being submitted for investigation
(list the materials and documents being attached)
Chairperson of the Commission |
____________________________________ (signature, date) |
Members of the Commission |
____________________________________ (signature, date) |
____________________________________ (signature, date) | |
____________________________________ (signature, date) | |
Head of organisation |
____________________________________ (signature, date) |
(Annex amended by No 1514-N of 30 November 2017)
Annex No 3 to Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No 458-N of 23 March 2006 |
Code of classification of diseases according to classifier |
Classification of diseases |
Code of diagnosis of occupational disease according to classifier |
A00- A69 |
Intestinal and bacterial infections |
A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A26.0, A27, A35, A69.2 |
A 70- A 79 |
Chlamydial and rickettsial infections |
70, J 16.0, A 77, A 78 |
A 80- B 34 |
Viral infections |
A 82, A 84, A 98.5, B 01, B 05, B 16, B 17.0, B 17.1, B 24 |
B 35 -B 49 |
mycoses |
B 38, B 39, B 42 |
B 50 -B 89 |
Protozoal and parasitic diseases |
B 58, B 65, B 67, B 68, B 75, B 76.0 |
C00- C 97 |
Malignant neoplasms |
C22.3, C30.0, C32, C34, C40.0, C40.1, C40.2, C40.3, C40.8, C41, C44, C45.0, C45.1, C45.07, C45.9, C67, C91, C92, C94, C95 |
D50- D89 |
Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs, separate disorders with involvement of immune mechanisms |
D59.4, D61.2, D64.2, D 70, D 74.8 |
F00-F99 |
Mental disorders, behavioural disorders |
F06.7, F07.2, F43.0, F43.1 |
G00-G99 |
Diseases of the nervous system |
G21.2, G25, G56.0, G56.2, G56.3, G56.8, G62.2, G62.8, G92 |
H00 - H59 |
Diseases of the eye and adnexa |
H10.8, H16.1, H26.8, H55 |
H60- H95 |
Diseases of the ear and mastoid process |
H 83.3 |
100-199 |
Diseases of the circulatory system |
173.0 |
J00-J99 |
Diseases of the respiratory system |
Pulmonary and pleural pneumoconiosis |
J60, J61, J62.0, J62.8, J63.0, J63.1, J63.2, J63.3, J63.4, J63.5, J63.8, J65, J90, J92.0, J84.1, J94.8 | |
Occupational asthma and allergic respiratory diseases |
J30.3, J45.0, J45.1, J45.8, J45.9, J66.0, J66.1, J66.8, J67.0, J67.1, J67.2, J67.3, J67.4, J67.5, J67.6, J67.7, J67.8 | |
Respiratory diseases occurred from chemicals ,gas, fumes and vapours |
J68.0, J68.1, J68.2, J68.3, J68.4, J68.8, J34.8, J04 | |
K00- K93 |
Diseases of liver |
K71 |
L00- L99 |
Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue |
L23.0, L23.1, L23.2, L23.3, L23.4, L23.5, L23.6, L23.7, L23.8, L23.9, L24.0, L24.1, L24.2, L24.3, L24.4, L24.5, L24.6, L24.7, L24.8, L24.9, L25.0, L25.1, L25.2, L25.3, L25.4, L25.5, L25.8, L25.9, L50.6, L58.0, L58.1, L70.8 |
M 00- M99 |
Diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue |
M65.4, M70.0, M70.2, M70.4, M77.0, M77.1 |
N00- N99 |
Diseases of the genitourinary system |
N14.3, N14.4 |
R00-R99 |
Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings |
R04.0, R04.2, R05, R06.0, R06.2, R09.0, R09.1, R10.4, R11, R17, R20.2, R21, R23.0, R23.3, R23.4, R25.1, R25.3, R27.0, R31, R34, R35, R40, R42, R43.0, R43.1, R44.3, R50.9, R51, R53, R68.8, R70, R71, R72, R73, R74, R75, R76, R77, R78, R79 |
S00-T98 |
Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes |
T51, T51.0, T51.1, T51.2, T51.3, T51.8, T52.0, T52.5, T53.0, T53.1, T53.2, T53.3, T53.4, T53.5, T53.6, T53.7, T54.0, T54.3, T55, T56.0, T56.1, T56.2, T56.3, T56.4, T56.5, T56.6, T56.7, T56.8 T57.0, T57.1, T57.2, T57.3, T57.8, T58, T59.0, T59.1, T59.2, T59.3, T59.4, T59.5, T59.6, T59.7,T59.8, T 60.0, T60.1, T60.2, T 60.3, T60.4, T60.8, T65.0, T65.1, T65.2, T65.3, T65.4, T65.5, T65.6, T65.8, T66, T67, T68, T69, T70, T71, T73.2, T73.3, T75,2, T75.4, T78.2, T78.4 |
V 01- Y98 |
External causes of morbidity and mortality |
W42, W43, W88, W89, W90, W91, Y45, Y46, Y47, Y48, Y49, Y50, Y96 |
Minister-Chief of Staff of the Government of the Republic of Armenia |
M. Topuzyan |
Published on a joint site 06.06.2024.
