"I hereby ratify"
President of the Republic of Armenia
R. Khocharyan
3 March 2007
No 201-N of 1 February 2007
Pursuant to part 7 of Article 142 of the Labour Code of the Republic of Armenia and point 5 of part 1 of Article 23 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On pre-school education", the Government of the Republic of Armenia hereby decides:
(preamble supplemented by N 358-N of 18 March 2021)
1. To define:
(a) the specifics of work and rest regime of employees of the field of healthcare, according to Annex No 1;
(b) the specifics of work and rest regime of employees of the field of custodianship (guardianship), child education, according to Annex No 2;
(c) the specifics of work and rest regime of employees of the field of energy, gas and heat supply, according to Annex No 3;
(d) the specifics of work and rest regime of employees of the field of communication, according to Annex No 4;
(e) the specifics of work and rest regime of employees of educational institutions, according to Annex No 5;
(f) the specifics of work and rest regime of drivers of public transport vehicles, according to Annex No 6.
2. This Decision shall enter into force on the tenth day following the day of its official promulgation.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia |
A. Margaryan |
24 February 2007 Yerevan |
Annex No 1 to Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No 201-N of 1 February 2007 |
1. Normal duration of the working time for employees of the field of healthcare may not exceed 39 hours a week.
2. Normal duration of the working time of employees of the field of healthcare, depending on the occupied position and/or profession, may not exceed:
(a) 24 hours a week for employees of the field of healthcare that directly exercise gamma treatment and experimental gamma radiation by gamma-ray preparations in radio manipulation cabinets and laboratories;
(b) 36 hours a week for employees of the field of healthcare, according to List No 1;
(c) 33 hours a week for employees of the field of healthcare, according to List No 2;
(d) 30 hours a week for employees of the field of healthcare, according to List No 3.
3. The rest regime for employees of the field of healthcare shall be regulated by the Labour Code of the Republic of Armenia.
Positions and/or professions |
Nature and conditions of work |
1 |
2 |
I. Psychiatric (neuropsychiatric), neurosurgical, narcological medical preventive organisations, units, wards and cabinets | |
Physicians, including heads of structural subdivisions, mid-level and junior medical staff, cleaner |
work to provide direct medical aid and care to patients |
II. Institutions of social protection of the population, including general and special (specialised) institutions (orphanages) for children left without parental care, child care boarding institutions, medical-social rehabilitative institutions for children, child support centres, daytime social care centres for children, child and family support centres, state special institutions of general education, general institutions for elderly persons and/or persons with disabilities, special (specialised) institutions for the social protection of the population for persons having attained the age of 18, suffering from a chronic psychiatric illness or a severe mental disability or persons with senile psychosis or severe sclerosis, organisations providing home care to the elderly, unemployed persons (except for those working in home settings) and/or persons with disabilities, social daycare centres providing care to persons having attained the age of 18 with mental health problems, organisations providing social services to the homeless and victims of violence, including victims of domestic violence. | |
Physicians, mid-level medical staff (nurses), employees engaged in the care of children under six years of age (babysitters), junior medical staff, including orderlies (according to specialisations), and disinfecting officer and guard of the unit |
works to provide medical aid and medical care |
III. Physiotherapeutic medical preventive organisations, units, cabinets | |
Physicians, including heads of structural subdivisions, mid-level and junior medical staff, cleaner |
Full-time work in places with hydrogen sulphide and sulfur baths, full-time work in mud and peat mud baths and in mountain wax baths (ozocerit bath) |
Junior medical staff, cleaner |
works to transport and heat mud, clean tarp from medicinal mud and mountain wax |
IV. Competent state authorities conducting the medical and social expert examination of citizens | |
Physicians, mid-level medical staff |
work carried out directly with persons subjected to medical and social expert examination |
V. Emergency medical aid stations (units), outgoing emergency and consultative medical aid units of Republican hospitals | |
Emergency medical aid physicians, employees that accept calls and transfer them to emergency medical aid outgoing brigade, junior medical staff |
Emergency medical aid works |
VI. Blood transfusion stations and units | |
Physicians, including heads of structural subdivisions, mid-level and junior medical staff, cleaner |
Works related to preparation and processing of untested blood components, laboratory investigations of prepared, untested blood; works to remove defective substances testing positive for infectious diseases (HIV virus, hepatitis B, C, syphilis) during preparation and quarantine of blood components; works to prepare blood products and blood substitutes |
VII. Organisations, stations, cabinets and units engaged in treatment of persons suffering from drug addiction and chronic alcoholism | |
Physicians, including heads of units, cabinets, mid-level and junior medical staff, cleaner |
works directly carried out with persons suffering from drug addiction and chronic alcoholism |
VIII. Public health organisations | |
Physicians, mid-level and junior medical staff, cleaner |
work in stratochambers and caissons; microsurgical operations performed (directly) by microsurgical, plastic mirosurgical microscope: work in the centres and units of microvascular surgery for re-transplantation of fingers, wrists, parts of extremities; works in units and wards for patients with spinal cord and spinal injuries; works related to collection and processing of blood; works at contagious isolation wards; |
Physicians, mid-level and junior medical staff, cleaner |
focal, chamber and preventive disinfection, disinsection and deratisation work in medical preventive organisations |
IX. Works related to the use of radioactive materials and sources of ionising radiation | |
1. Work with X-rays | |
Physicians, mid-level and junior medical staff, cleaner |
work immediately related to radiotherapy, experimental radiation exposure; work immediately related to radiation treatment applying a beta-ray applicator; work immediately related to electrographs and electric microscopes (with a voltage of more than 30 kV) |
2. Work related to research, transportation, energy, experimental and productive nuclear reactors and nuclear power station prototypes, accelerators and neutron sources | |
Physicians, mid-level and junior medical staff, cleaner |
work directly related to neutron sources (radium-beryls, polonium-beryls, etc.), cyclotron, betatron, linear and other particle accelerators |
X. Work related to the use of open radioactive sources | |
Physicians, mid-level and junior medical staff, cleaner |
work directly related to open radioactive substances (preparation, processing, storage, prepackaging, investigation, application and other types of work), the activity of which in the workplace corresponds to the works of III, II and I categories; work directly related to preparation and use of natural and artificial radon baths |
XI. Healthcare Inspection Body of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia, “Centre for Disease Control and Prevention” State Non-Commercial Organisation of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia | |
Physicians, including heads of structural subdivisions, chemists, toxicologists, technical engineers, mid-level and junior medical staff, cleaner |
work performed at sanitary and hygienic, sanitary and chemical, sanitary and toxicological laboratories |
Civil servants and persons working under a civil contract, physician-hygienists of the “Centre for Disease Control and Prevention” State Non-Commercial Organisaiton of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia, heads of structural subdivisions, technical engineers and mid-level medical staff. |
work performed in industrial, utilities (garbage dump sites, garbage disposal, sanitation equipment) organisations, organisations having sources of ionising radiation |
(List edited, supplemented by No 1450-N of 16 November 2017)
Positions and/or professions |
Nature and conditions of work |
1 |
2 |
I. Medical and preventive organisations (polyclinics, infirmaries, ambulatories, dispensaries, outpatient dispensaries, medical aid posts, stations, units, cabinets) | |
Physicians, mid-level and junior medical staff |
works to provide ambulatory treatment of patients |
II. Physiotherapeutic, medical preventive organisations, units, cabinets | |
Physicians, mid-level and junior medical staff, cleaner |
full-time work on ultra-low frequency (ULF) medical generators with a power of more than 200 watts |
III. Medical and preventive dental organisations (units, cabinets) | |
Dentists, feldshers and dental technicians |
dental works |
IV. Hospitals, units, wards, cabinets serving persons infected with infectious diseases; dermatovenereological dispensaries, units, cabinets | |
Physicians, including heads of structural subdivisions, mid-level and junior medical staff, cleaner |
works to provide direct medical aid and medical care to patients |
V. Medical preventive (prophylactic) organisation for prevention of HIV and infectious diseases (hospitals, centres, units, wards), Healthcare Inspection Body of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia, “Centre for Disease Control and Prevention” State Non-Commercial Organisation of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia, as well as structural subdivisions of healthcare organisations, including specialised ones, which carry out AIDS and HIV diagnosis, treatment of infected patients, conduct forensic-medical examination | |
Physicians, including heads of structural subdivisions, mid-level and junior medical staff, cleaner |
Works related to direct diagnosis and provision of medical aid to patients infected with HIV/AIDS; |
VI. Healthcare Inspection Body of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia, “Centre for Disease Control and Prevention” State Non-Commercial Organisation of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia and laboratories (divisions, units) of their structural subdivisions, which carry out diagnosis of HIV | |
Physicians, including heads of structural subdivisions, mid-level medical staff, cleaner |
Conducting laboratory assessment of blood and substances obtained (taken) from patients infected with AIDS/HIV |
VII. Healthcare Inspection Body of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia, “Centre for Disease Control and Prevention” State Non-Commercial Organisation of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia and the structural subdivisions thereof | |
Physicians, including chief physicians, bacteriologists, parasitologists, virologists, chemists, toxicologists, mid-level and junior medical staff of bacteriological, parasitological, virological, chemical and radiological, toxicological laboratory (unit) |
work performed at bacteriological, parasitological, virological, chemical and radiological, toxicological laboratories, works directly related to contagious patients |
Physician-epidemiologist, assistant to physician-epidemiologist, physician-disinfector, instructor-disinfector, including head of subdivision, medical disinfector, chamber disinfection workers (including head of subdivision) |
work to perform focal, chamber and preventive (profilactic) disinfection, disinsection, deratisation |
Civil servants and persons working under a civil contract, physician-epidemiologists, physician-virologists, physician bacteriologists, physician-parasitologists of the “Centre for Disease Control and Prevention” State Non-Commercial Organisation of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia, including head of subdivision, mid-level medical staff |
works in the foci of infectious diseases |
Physician-epidemiologist, mid-level and junior medical staff, cleaner |
work in the observation station and isolator of the sanitary and quarantine post; work related to prepartion of deratisation baits |
Physicians, mid-level and junior medical staff, cleaner |
work related to evacuation of contagious patients |
Instructor-disinfector, medical disinfector |
works related to prepackaging and storage of means of disinfection |
Physician-epidemiologist, assistant to physician-epidemiologist, physician, Healthcare Inspection Body of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia, “Centre for Disease Control and Prevention” State Non-Commercial Organisation of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia and mid-level and junior medical staff of bacteriological laboratories of their structural subdivisions, cleaner |
work directly related to the substance infected with microbacteria of tuberculoses |
Insectologists, including head of structural subdivision, assistants to insectologists, bonificators |
performance of insectology-related works |
(List supplemented by No 196-N of 31 January 2008, amended, edited by No 1450-N of 16 November 2017)
Positions and/or professions |
Nature and conditions of work |
1 |
2 |
I. Anti-tuberculosis health organisations and the structural subdivisions thereof; occupational therapy organisations adjunct to anti-tuberculosis organisations; clinics (clinical units) of medical, scientific, education institutions and higher vocational education institutions for patients with tuberculosis; educational institutions (subdivisions) for children with tuberculosis; organisation of services for patients with tuberculosis | |
Physicians, including chief physicians (of a unit, cabinet, laboratory), physicians of competent state authorities conducting the medical and social expert examination of citizens suffering from tuberculosis, mid-level and junior medical staff, cleaner |
work directly performed with patients suffering from tuberculosis, work performed at anti-tuberculosis organisations |
II. Pathoanatomic units, laboratories of mortuaries, morgues | |
Physicians, including head of unit, laboratory, mid-level medical staff, cleaner |
work directly related to corpses and corpse substances |
III. Forensic-Medical Expertise Centre | |
Forensic medical experts, including heads of division, unit, mid-level medical staff, cleaner |
work directly related to corpses and corpse substances |
IV. Healthcare organisations | |
Physicians, mid-level staff, cleaner |
works related to preparation and storage of corpse blood |
V. Works with radioactive materials and sources of ionising radiation | |
1. Use of radioactive materials as a source of gamma radiation | |
Physicians, mid-level and junior medical staff, cleaner |
work directly related to gamma-ray therapy and experimental gamma radiation; work at hospital rooms intended for administering radioactive drugs to patients; work related to gamma-ray irradiation plants |
2. X-ray radiation | |
Physicians, mid-level and junior medical staff, cleaner |
work directly related to X-ray diagnosis, fluorography; work on rotational X-ray therapy devices with visual control |
Healthcare Inspection Body of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia, “Centre for Disease Control and Prevention” State Non-Commercial Organisation of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia and the structural subdivisions (centres, stations, units, divisions, laboratories, institutions) thereof | |
Civil servants and persons working under a civil contract, physicians, including heads of structural subdivisions; instructor-disinfector, mid-level and junior medical staff |
work in places where pathogen biological agents in pathogenicity groups I and II are present, as well as work related to production of medical immunobiological preparations |
Physicians and specialists with higher non-medical education, including heads of structural subdivisions, mid-level and junior medical staff, mid-level specialists with higher non-medical education |
work in squads to combat particularly dangerous infectious diseases |
(List supplemented, amended by No 1450-N of 16 November 2017)
(Annex edited, supplemented, amended by No 1450-N of 16 November 2017)
Minister-Chief of Staff of the Government of the Republic of Armenia |
M. Topuzyan |
Annex No 2 to Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No 201-N of 1 February 2007 |
1. The work and rest regime of designated employees of institutions of social protection of the population, including general and special (specialised) institutions (orphanages) for children left without parental care, child care boarding institutions, medical-social rehabilitative institutions for children, children support centres, daytime social care centres for children, child and family support centres, state special institutions of general education, general institutions for the elderly persons and/or persons with disabilities, special (specialised) institutions for the social protection of the population for persons having attained the age of 18, suffering from a chronic psychiatric illness or a severe mental disability or persons with senile psychosis or severe sclerosis, organisations providing home care to the elderly, unemployed persons (except for those working in home settings) and/or persons with disabilities, social daycare centres providing care to persons having attained the age of 18 with mental health problems shall be determined taking into account work specifics of the field.
(point 1 edited by No 1450-N of 16 November 2017)
2. A meal break shall be provided to teachers, specialists in educational work, as well as employees who provide care services to children, patients, the disabled, the elderly in organisations simultaneously with pupils or those being cared for.
(point 2 supplemented by No 1450-N of 16 November 2017)
3. For employees of organisations, depending on the position occupied thereby and/or their profession, the normal duration of working time may not exceed:
(1) 22 hours a week for the pedagogical work of special education teachers (speech therapists, visual impairment specialists, hearing impairment specialists, oligophrenopedagogy specialists);
(2) 24 hours a week for musicians;
(3) 30 hours a week for physical education instructors, physical therapy instructors (kinesiologists);
(4) 30 hours a week for educators of general education and special (specialised) social protection institutions for population (orphanages) for children left without parental care, boarding schools for child care, for teachers of long day care groups of institutions of general education;
(5) 36 hours a week for employees (babysitters) providing childcare services for children under the age of six;
(6) 36 hours a week for ergotherapists, group teachers, psychologists, social workers, social pedagogues, methodologists-coordinators, special education pedagogues;
(7) 39 hours a week for employees (maid servants) providing care services for persons over the age of six.
(point 3 edited by No 1450-N of 16 November 2017)
4. In the 24-hour work regime, when teaching and educational works replace each other during the day, the head of the organisation may establish a break for two consecutive hours in the work schedule of employees. The break time between the two parts of shifts shall not be accounted in the working time.
(Annex edited, supplemented by No 1450-N of 16 November 2017)
Minister-Chief of Staff of the Government of the Republic of Armenia |
M. Topuzyan |
Annex No 3 to Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No 201-N of 1 February 2007 |
1. The work and rest regime of employees of the fields of energy, gas and heat supply shall be determined taking into account the specifics of work in the field.
2. The beginning and end of the daily work (shift) in the fields of energy, gas and heat supply shall be defined by the employer in accordance with the internal disciplinary rules and shift schedule of the organisation. Taking into account the production need, the employer may change the shift schedule. It shall be forbidden to work two shifts consecutively.
3. The time from the gathering point of employees performing repair and maintenance works of equipment and structures outside the main workplace of organisations in the fields of energy, gas and heat supply, to the working place and return to the gathering point shall be accounted in the working time.
The gathering point shall be determined by the employer with the consent of the employees of labour collective.
4. The rest regime of employees in the fields of energy, gas and heat supply shall be regulated by the Labour Code of the Republic of Armenia.
Minister-Chief of Staff of the Government of the Republic of Armenia |
M. Topuzyan |
Annex No 4 to Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No 201-N of 1 February 2007 |
1. The work and rest regime of the employees of the field of communication engaged in workshops, services, sites and other subdivisions operating on irregular, changeable work regime, who are directly engaged in the operational and technical maintenance of communication facilities or in the provision of communication services, shall be determined taking into account the specifics of work in the field.
2. The employer may define a working time with a flexible schedule for the following employees of the field of communication (occupations and positions) specified in point 1 of this Annex:
(a) heads of communication departments (including mobile communication departments);
(b) communication operators organising the handover and receipt of postal deliveries and telegrams, as well as mail delivery;
(c) employees of communication organisations engaged in sorting and exchange of postal deliveries
(d) carriers of postal deliveries, periodic press, mail transfers of telegrams and funds;
(e) operators of call booths;
(f) subscriber section communication operators;
(g) communication operators accepting the applications on subscriber fees and on damage to radio transmission networks;
(h) electricians of linear communication facilities and subscriber devices and rural telephone network;
(i) electricians of linear telephone facilities and subscriber devices;
(j) electricians of station servicing of the telephone network repair bureau;
(k) drivers of standby vehicles of telephone network, radio and television broadcasting organisations;
(l) communications engineers, technicians and operators of the development section directly related to the provision of services to the population;
(m) postal operators who accept and transfer (issue) money and other valuables in the main cash register of the institution;
(n) telephone operators of reference service of the reference and information hub of telephone network;
(o) telephone operators of reference services of interurban telephone networks;
(p) mail coach superintendents of the linear section of railway and accompanying electricians;
(q) responsible operators for airmail transportation;
(r) collectors and mail escort;
(s) driver-collectors, drivers of inter-republican routes;
(t) employees performing works involving elimination of interruption and damage to means of communication;
(u) employees of radio centres, radio stations, television centres, retransmitting television stations, radio transmitting television stations, radio transmitting and radio broadcasting hubs, radio-relay communication trunks, where those organisations work in sessions;
(v) employees working in satellite communications and transmission systems and networks management centres, space communication centres, Earth communication satellite stations and employees transmitting and receiving broadcasting programmes, illustrators, in case those objects work on a 24-hour basis or in sessions;
(w) communication operators engaged in production operations: works involving acceptance and delivery, loading and unloading, transfer of postal deliveries and collection of mails from the mail box.
3. For jobs of a special nature, as well as jobs with non-uniform intensity, division of working time into parts may be applied. Start and end of working days shall be determined as agreed by the parties.
4. The rest regime for employees of the field of communication shall be regulated by the Labour Code of the Republic of Armenia.
Minister-Chief of Staff of the Government of the Republic of Armenia |
M. Topuzyan |
Annex No 5 to Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No 201-N of 1 February 2007 |
1. The work and rest regime of employees of educational institutions shall be determined before the start of the academic year by the head of the educational institution (collegial management body), taking into account the specifics of activities of the educational institution.
2. A break for meal is provided to lecturers, pedagogues and educators performing their duties during the working day (hereinafter referred to as teachers), simultaneously with the learners, pupils.
3. The duration of teachers' academic classes, as well as breaks between those classes shall be specified by the Statute or internal regulations of the educational institution.
4. The following shall be included in the working time according to the schedule of academic work, academic classes under the Statute of the educational institution, internal regulations:
(1) works involving holding of educational, methodical conferences, parents' meetings provided for by the educational programme, consultations, healthcare, instructional and other events;
(2) the time spent directly on the education and upbringing of learners, pupils, on preparatory works for the purpose of studying their individual abilities, interests and inclinations, as well as their family and living conditions;
(3) checking the written works by the teacher, mentorship, classroom management, scientific and research, experimental design, educational and methodical, organisational and methodical, instructional works;
(4) preparing the teacher for raising his or her professional qualification, training, re-qualification, self-study and other training sessions;
(5) breaks (time-outs) between the academic classes;
(6) works performed by the teacher in health camps, during hikes, expeditions, excursions.
5. In case the learners, pupils stay round-the-clock at the special education institutions, when the teaching and educational work replace each other during the day, the head of the educational institution may provide for educators conducting teaching in groups of school-age pupils a working day schedule with a break for two consecutive hours. The break time is not included in the working time.
6. The work and rest regime of teachers of educational institutions, the teaching load of which has been reduced or increased compared to the teaching load decided at the beginning of the year, shall — before the end of the school year — be determined by the number of teaching hours, taking into account the time required for performance of works provided for by point 4 of this Procedure.
7. Periods of holidays of learners studying at educational institutions, which do not coincide with the teacher's annual paid basic and additional leaves, shall be included in working time.
8. During the holidays of learners, teachers carry out educational, methodical, as well as organisational works related to the implementation of the educational programme, within the limits of the regulated part of their working time.
9. Teachers of educational institutions, for whom the annual teaching load is set, shall —during the holidays of learners, which do not coincide with their annual leave — be involved in the works of chairs, academic and methodological or subject (cyclic) commissions, seminars, refresher courses, trainings and other courses, as well as events on the organisation and holding of cultural events, works of chairs or subject (cyclic) commissions.
10. The period of termination of academic classes of learners, pupils for epidemic, climatic and other reasons shall be considered working time for teachers and other employees of educational institutions.
11. During the period of termination of academic classes of individual classes (groups) of educational institutions or academic classes of the entire educational institution for epidemic, climatic and other reasons, teachers shall be involved in teaching and educational, methodical, organisational works on conditions provided for by points 7-9 and 15 of this Procedure.
12. The scope of teaching for each teacher of higher, secondary vocational education institutions, as well as institutions providing supplementary education shall be determined by the given educational institution, depending on the employee's professional qualification, specialisation of the chair, and shall be 700-1080 hours during one academic year. The duration of working time of teachers of general education and primary vocational (handicraft) institutions, depending on the type of the educational institution, shall be 22-33 hours a week.
13. Administrative employees of educational institutions (directors, deputy directors, rectors, vice-rectors and others) may teach 8 class hours a week, inclusive. Part-time administrative employees of state institution of general education having relevant qualification may have a teaching load of up to fourteen class hours a week.
(point 13 supplemented by No 866-N of 4 July 2012)
14. In case the duration of the working week is 36 hours, the working time schedule of psychologists, specialists of the educational institution in teaching methods and educational work shall be regulated by internal regulations of the educational institution, taking into account:
(1) performance of individual and group consulting work of participants in the educational process, which may not exceed half of the duration of weekly working time;
(2) time spent by the specialist to prepare for individual and group consulting works, to process, analyse and generalise the obtained results, complete the documents, as well as raise his or her qualification.
14.1. The working time of the teaching staff of the pre-school education institution shall be regulated by internal disciplinary rules of the educational institution, taking into account:
(1) the period of performance of individual and group consulting work by the teaching staff with other participants of the teaching process, which may not exceed half of duration of the working time prescribed by point 18 of this Annex;
(2) time spent by the teaching staff member to prepare for individual and group consulting works, to process, analyse and generalise the obtained results, complete the documents, as well as to raise his or her qualification.
(point 14.1 supplemented by No 358-N of 18 March 2021)
15. (point repealed by No 358-N of 18 March 2021)
16. The work regime of employees of educational institutions, including educational support staff and service personnel during the holidays of learners shall be regulated by internal legal acts of the educational institution, employment contracts and schedule for the performance of works.
17. The duration of working time for performance of pedagogical works at educational institutions dealing with children having special educational needs and at special or specialised education institutions shall be:
(1) 22 hours a week for teaching speech therapists and teaching speech pathologists, teachers who provide special pedagogical aid;
(2) 24 hours a week for teachers at institutions of extracurricular upbringing;
(3) 30 hours a week for physical therapy instructors;
(4) 30 hours a week for educators of children having special educational needs;
(5) 30 hours a week for educators of boarding schools, orphanages, long day care groups of institutions of general education;
(6) 36 hours a week for educators of children in need of long-term treatment and care and institutions of general type;
(7) 36 hours a week for educators of pre-school education institutions.
18. The duration of working time for performance of pedagogical work at pre-school education institutions shall be:
(1) 22 hours a week for special pedagogues (speech therapists, visual impairment specialists);
(2) 22 hours a week for social pedagogues;
(3) 22 hours a week for psychologists;
(4) 24 hours a week for music teachers (music directors);
(5) 24 hours a week for dance teachers (dance directors);
(6) 30 hours a week for physical education instructors;
(7) 30 hours a week for educators of long day care groups;
(8) 36 hours a week for educators.
(point 18 supplemented by No 358-N of 18 March 2021)
19. The duration of the working time for performance of pedagogical work by a pedagogue (teacher, group leader) providing additional educational services at pre-school education institutions shall be defined by the employment contract in accordance with the requirements of the Labour Code of the Republic of Armenia.
(point 19 supplemented by No 358-N of 18 March 2021)
(Annex edited by No 196-N of 31 January 2008, supplemented by No 866-N of 4 July 2012, supplemented, amended by No 358-N of 18 March 2021)
Minister-Chief of Staff of the Government of the Republic of Armenia |
M. Topuzyan |
Annex No 6 to Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No 201-N of 1 February 2007 |
1. The work and rest regime of drivers (except for drivers of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Armenia, Ministry of Territorial Administration of the Republic of Armenia, Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Armenia, Rescue Service of Armenia, National Security Service adjunct to the Government of the Republic of Armenia, Police of the Republic of Armenia adjunct to the Government of the Republic of Armenia and drivers engaged in international transportations, as well as those working in the composition of shift teams), who work in organisations providing paid transportation services, registered in the territory of the Republic of Armenia and for individual entrepreneurs, shall be determined taking into account work specifics of the field.
(point 1 amended by No 1042-N of 21 August 2008)
2. Specifics of the planned work and rest regime shall be the basis for drawing up the schedule of work (shift) of drivers.
3. The schedule of work on the route shall be defined by the employer. The start and the end of daily work, the breaks for rest and meals, daily and weekly rest periods shall be defined by the work schedule. The work schedule shall be approved by the employer.
4. When seconding the drivers performing interurban transportations to a long-distance route, in which the driver cannot return to his or her permanent place of work at the time set by the daily work schedule, a park and ride timetable is established for the motor vehicle.
5. The normal duration of the working time of drivers may not exceed 40 hours a week.
The normal duration of the daily work of drivers working five days a week and having two days-off a week may not exceed 8 hours, and in case they work six days a week with one day-off a week — 7 hours.
6. In case of cumulative calculation of working time, the duration of the daily work (shift) of drivers may not exceed 10 hours a day, except for cases provided for by points 7, 8 and 9 of this Annex.
7. When carrying out interurban transportation, the duration of the driver's daily work may be increased up to 12 hours.
Where the driver stays in the motor vehicle for more than 12 hours, and two drivers are sent on the route, the motor vehicle must be equipped with a driver resting seat.
8. In case of cumulative calculation of working time, the duration of daily work of drivers working on regular urban and suburban bus routes, may, upon consent of parties, be increased for up to 12 hours.
9. The duration of daily work of drivers of healthcare institutions, public utilities, telegraph, telephone and postal organisations, emergency services, as well as drivers carrying out transportations by in-house passenger vehicles may exceed 12 hours, where the total duration of driving a motor vehicle during the period of daily work (shift) does not exceed 9 hours.
10. For bus drivers working on regular urban, suburban and interurban routes, the working day may, upon their consent, be divided into two parts. The division shall be made by the employer.
The duration of the break between the two parts of the working day shall be 2 hours, and the total duration of daily work must not exceed the duration of daily work (shift) prescribed by points 5, 6, 7 and 8 of this Annex.
The break between the two parts of the shift shall be provided at bus positioning or final stops.
The break time between the two parts of shifts shall not be accounted in the working time.
11. For drivers of light passenger vehicles (except for taxis), as well as drivers of expeditions and survey groups engaged in field geological surveying, topographic and geodetic and surveying works, a working day for performance of works in an unregulated work regime may be established.
In case of working in an unregulated work regime, the number and duration of work shifts shall be established with the normal duration of the working time of the working week, and weekly rest days shall be established on a general basis.
12. Working time of drivers shall include:
(a) the period of driving the motor vehicle;
(b) the period of additional breaks for rest while in traffic and in the destination point;
(c) the period of preparatory and final works before entering the route and the period of returning back to the organisation from the route, and in case of interurban transportations — the period between the start of the shift and the end of the shift for performing works on the turning point or on the road (parking place);
(d) the period of medical examination of the driver before entering the route and after returning from the route;
(e) the period of parking at the places of loading and unloading of the cargo, boarding and disembarking of passengers;
(f) the period of downtime not due to the fault of the driver;
(g) the period of performance of works that do not require disassembly and assembly of mechanisms for the elimination of malfunctions of the maintained motor vehicle during operation on the route, as well as the period of performing adjustment works in the field in the absence of technical assistance;
(h) the period of motor vehicle and cargo storage at the last and intermediate stops during interurban transportations, where such obligations are envisaged by the employment contract concluded with the driver;
(i) the period of presence of the driver at the workplace, when he is not driving the vehicle, in case two drivers are sent to the route;
(j) other periods specified by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
13. The period of driving a motor vehicle in the daily working time (sub-point "a" of point 12 of this Annex) may not exceed 9 hours, except for the cases provided for by point 15 of this Annex, and in the case of transportation of passengers in mountainous areas by buses with the overall length of more than 9.5 metres and in case of transportation of heavy and oversized cargoes — it may not exceed 8 hours.
14. In case of cumulative calculation of the working time, the time of driving the motor vehicle in the daily work (shift) may be increased up to 10 hours, but not more than twice a week. The total duration of driving a motor vehicle for two consecutive weeks may not exceed 90 hours.
15. The duration of preparing the motor vehicle and the time of the driver's medical examination shall be set by the employer.
16. The time of holding the motor vehicle and cargo in transit shall be fully included in driver's working time.
17. Drivers shall be provided with a break for rest and meal of no more than 2 hours, 4 hours after the start of the work. In case the duration of daily work established by shift schedule exceeds 8 hours, the drivers may be provided with two breaks for rest and meal with a total duration of not more than 2 hours and not less than 30 minutes.
The time and duration of the break provided for rest and meal shall be established by the employer.
18. The daily rest period must be at least twice the length of the working day (shift) preceding the rest.
In case of cumulative calculation of the working time, the daily rest period shall be at least 12 hours.
In case of cumulative calculation of the working time in interurban transportations, the daily rest (between shifts) at the turning point or intermediate points may not be less than the duration of the previous shift time.
19. Uninterrupted weekly rest must precede or follow the daily rest (between shifts) and must not be less than 45 hours.
20. In case of cumulative calculation of working time, the rest days shall be established on different days of the week according to work schedules.
21. In case of cumulative calculation of working time in interurban transportations, the duration of weekly rest may be reduced, but may not be less than up to 29 hours. The average duration of the uninterrupted weekly rest must be at least 45 hours.
(Annex amended by No 1042-N of 21 August 2008)
Minister-Chief of Staff of the Government of the Republic of Armenia |
M. Topuzyan |
Published on a joint site 06.06.2024