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Исходный акт (19.06.2015-по сей день)
OBMOFA RA 2015.07.24/2(32)
Republic of Armenia
Дата принятия
Дата подписания
Дата вступления в силу





 The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Armenia and the Ministry of National Defence of Romania, hereinafter referred to as "Parties",


Willing to develop the co-operation in the field military and civilian personnel training,


Taking into consideration the provisions of the "Agreement on collaboration between the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Armenia and the Ministry of National Defence of Romania", signed on 26th  of July 1999, in Bucharest,


Have agreed as follows:




The Parties will exchange military and civilian personnel, hereinafter referred to as "Students", for training in military educational institutions belonging to the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Armenia and the Ministry of National Defence of Romania, according to the number of places available, to the specialization, and course stages that are to be established by the Parties.




1. Courses agreed by the Parties are included in the "Program of Co-operation", hereinafter referred to as "Program", which is annually signed. A model of the Program is given in the Annex to this Protocol.

2. The training will be conducted in the official language of the Receiving Party's state or in other foreign language according to the syllabuses and the curricula of the military educational institutions. The Parties will inform each other in writing about any additions or changes in the curricula in 10 days. For those Students who are not able to meet the Receiving Party's state language skills prerequisites, an up-to-one year course can be arranged by the Receiving Party. The course design will cover both general and specialized terminology.

3. Annually, up to January 31st  of the year preceding the training year for which the Program is signed, unless otherwise agreed, the Parties should submit each other, in written form, the list of courses open to attendance for military and civilian personnel of the other Party. The list includes: specialization, attendance criteria which are to be met by the participants and the purpose and objectives of the courses.

4. Every year, before April 31st , unless otherwise agreed, each Party sends, in written form, a formal application which includes:

1) specialization, number of requested slots on different forms of studies and courses; for Ph.D. - rank, name, military studies, subject of the thesis;

2) the necessity for attending Armenian and Romanian language pre-course;

3) By August 31st  in the same year, the Parties will confirm the possibility to train the requested number of Students, for the proposed specialization and sign the Program.

5. Two months before the beginning of the course, the Parties will exchange the lists with the names of the Students including the military rank, name, date of birth, civilian and military studies and specialization. The lists will be drawn up for each receiving military education institution.




1. The Receiving Party will provide on its own expense for the courses offered on reciprocity bases:

1) the teaching staff;

2) equipment and materials and necessities for the educational process according to the syllabuses and curricula;

3) accommodation and meal according to the internal standards throughout the course;

4) access to libraries, reading-rooms, sport halls as well as other spaces required during the training;

5) emergency medical and dental care including in-patient treatment and medication;

6) transportation to ensure in good conditions, the carrying out of the education process;

7) special equipment for working on installations and combat cloth according to the regulations in force of the Receiving Party, throughout the course. The equipment will be returned on course graduation;

8) transportation from the accommodation place to training place and back.


2. If the Sending Party request supplementary slots or other forms of studies and courses than offered on reciprocity basis, all the costs will be incurred by the Sending Party.




1. The Sending Party is responsible for the selection of the Students and their medical examination according to the recommendations and demands of the Receiving Party.

2. The Sending Party will ensure:

1) the Students' arrival to the course in the military educational institutions of the Receiving Party within the deadlines stipulated in the Program, as well as the Students' return from vacation before the course beginning;

2) at the beginning and the end of the course/vacation, international transportation to the origin country of the Student and back;

3) international transportation for duty reasons.


3. In case of death of a Student, during the training, the Sending Party will be responsible for the related matters as well as for the transportation of the remains, at its own expense. The Sending Party is entitled to be informed about the causes of the death and any additional related information. In the above case, the Receiving Party must provide the Sending Party with the necessary assistance.


4. During the course, from the military perspective, the Students will be subordinated to the Defence Attach of the Sending Party in the state of the Receiving Party, who will solve and co-ordinate with the appropriate representatives of the military educational institutions, all matters connected with the training of the Students and their stay in the state of the Receiving Party.


5. With the permission of the Receiving Party, the representatives of the Sending Party may visit the military educational institutions where their Students study, in order to know about the Students' results, as well as organizational and living conditions.




1. The Students will report to the military educational institutions, with the following documents:

1) passport valid at least 6 months after the end of the studies;

2) copy of the certificates of studies;

3) health certificate issued at most two months in advance before the starting of the training;

4) health insurance issued by the Sending Party, valid for the entire period of the course;

5) medical certificate regarding the absence of the positive HIV serum.

2. The Students will also be provided with the service uniform and kit.

3. The Students who fail being registered within the scheduled time for the course registration will lose the right to begin the course.

4. During the course, the Students must observe the laws of the state where they study and they must behave according to discipline rules and regulations of the military education institutions of the Receiving Party.

5. The Students who breach the provisions of the paragraph 3 of the present article or cannot meet the requirements of the teaching syllabus or fail to continue their study for a medical reason, or those who are required to return to their country before the agreed deadline of the training, will be sent back at the expenses of the Sending Party. The Receiving Party will inform the Sending Party upon the reasons for sending back the Student to his country of origin, in advance.

6. The Students who have completed the compulsory training contents stipulated by the training syllabus, passed the examinations and succeeded in their graduation projects, assignments, papers, will be awarded with graduation certificates and badges. The educational institutions will provide the Students with the official grade report and course reports.




1. The Students studying in military education institutions of the Receiving Party will be given an annual leave with duration and on the terms according to the schedules of the military educational institution where they are studying.

2. The Receiving Party is not obliged to arrange Students' vacation.

3. During the course at the military educational institutions, the Student's family members and relatives may come to visit them, at the expense of themselves.




1. If the illness or other serious problems lead to a Student's absenteeism over to 20 % out of the time allocated for training, the Parties proceed to send the Student to his own country.

2. In case the property of the Receiving Party is damaged or lost, due to the Students' fault, the Sending Party must pay the repair cost to the Receiving Party according to the estimated costs in the state of the Receiving Party or provide a relevant substitute for the impaired property.

3. Payment of the costs for property repairing or property replacement is made by the Sending Party to the Receiving Party within 45 days from the date of receiving the information about the caused damage and estimation.




1. The present Protocol will enter into force on the date of the receiving of the last written notification by the Parties, by which they confirm the accomplishment of internal legal procedures necessary for its entering into force.

2. The present Protocol may be amended or modified at any time with the mutual consent of the Parties. The amendments and modifications shall be done in written form and enter into force according to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article.

3. The present Protocol is concluded for an indefinite period of time. Either Party may notify, in written form, about its intention to denounce it. The denunciation will enter into force six months after the receiving of the notification.

4. If on the date of denunciation or termination of the present Protocol there are unresolved financial aspects or claims, the related provisions of it shall remain in force until their final settlement.

5. Any dispute regarding the interpretation or implementation of the present Protocol shall be solved through negotiations between the authorized representatives of the Parties.


Done in  Bucharest  on  26   November     2014, in two original copies, each one in Armenian, Romanian and English, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergences of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.




of Co-operation on Mutual Training of the Military and Civilian Personnel between the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Armenia and the Ministry of National Defence of Romania in the instruction year ____


In Armenia


The Name of the military training institution, type of training, the name of the course

Starting date for training

Number of slots

Duration of training (month, days)







In Romania


The Name of the military training institution, type of training, the name of the course

Starting date for training

Number of slots

Duration of training (month, days)







The present Program has been filled in ___________ on ___________ (date), in 2 (two) copies, in Armenian, Romanian and English.

The Protocol has entered into force on 19 June 2015.

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