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Ինկորպորացիա (05.02.2018-մինչ օրս)
Republic of Armenia
Дата принятия
Дата подписания
Дата вступления в силу





The Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the United Arab Emirates, hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”

Desiring to develop the friendship and cooperation ties between them, and contributing to the enhancement of their cooperation in the areas of maintenance of security and the fight against crime;

Aware of the serious threat of international terrorism, organized crime and other forms of crimes that threaten public security of both countries;

Taking into consideration their respective national legislation and having due regard to the international obligations that are binding on both of them;

Guided by principles of reciprocity and mutual cooperation;

 Have agreed as follows:


Article 1

Scope of Cooperation


The Parties, under the framework of this Agreement shall cooperate in accordance with national legislation and international obligations of each Party.


Article 2

Fields of Cooperation


1- The Parties shall cooperate in combating crime in all forms, particularly, in the following crimes;

A- organized crimes and corruption;

B- crimes against persons and properties;

C- illicit trafficking in weapons, ammunition, explosives, poisonous, nuclear and biological substances, radioactive materials, weapons of mass destruction and non- conventional weapons, as well as the technology related thereto;

D-trafficking in persons and prostitution networks;

E-illicit production, trafficking and abuse of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors;

F- economic crimes;

G-money laundering;

H- combating terrorism and its financing;

I- information technology crimes;

J- counterfeit of currency, official or legal documents, securities or financial instruments, as well as distribution thereof;

K- crimes against intellectual property;

L- cultural artifacts theft and smuggling;

M- vehicle theft and smuggling ;

N- any other crimes to be mutually agreed upon.


Article 3

Forms of Cooperation


For the purpose of implementing this Agreement, the Parties shall cooperate according to the following:

1. Exchanging information on crimes being planned to be committed or those which have been committed;

2. Exchanging information on fugitives and people reported to be missing;

3. Exchanging information on new criminal modus operandi used in commission of crimes and new techniques in combating the crimes;

4. Exchanging information on trading and smuggling of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances as well as suspected persons or criminal groups; suspected means used in smuggling of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances ; methods of concealment and smuggling routes; new types of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; materials used in the manufacture and modern techniques used in the production and manufacture of drugs as well as techniques and modern devices used in the detection and examination of drugs and psychotropic substances;

5. Exchanging practical experience, scientific information and technical data;

6. Exchanging legal texts and legislation as well as scientific search;

7. Using controlled delivery when to detect illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and substances utilized in manufacturing them, and any other prohibited substances.

8. Exchange expertise on technology systems and security solutions.

9. Exchange of training programs, courses, workshops and contribute in conferences, meeting, exhibitions and symposiums held by both Parties.

10. Exchange of best practices in security and policing fields.

11. Provide assistance to enhance civil defense, firefighting and search and rescue capabilities.

12. Training in Cybercrime investigation.

13. Exchange information and experiences on fighting offences related to child exploitation through networks.

14. Training and exchanging information in the area of explosive ordnance disposal.

15. Cooperation and coordination in international organizations on relevant

16. Exchanging information on any other related matters to be mutually agreed upon.


Article 4

Future Cooperation


This Agreement does not prevent the Parties from determining and developing other forms of cooperation taking into account the provisions of Article 1 of this Agreement.


Article 5

Request for Cooperation


1- Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, cooperation shall be rendered upon request or initiative by either Party.

2- Official request for cooperation shall be made in writing, however, in urgent cases, it may be made by fax or any secured means of communication to be mutually agreed upon provided that it is confirmed by official request within 3 days. If any doubt arises related to the authenticity or to the contents of the request, its additional confirmation could be asked for.

3- Official requests for cooperation shall contain the following information:

 a. name of the requesting authority and the name of the requested one if it is known;

 b. facts and details of the case;

 c. the purpose and reasons of the request;

 d. a description of the cooperation requested;

 e. any additional information that may properly assist to the execution of the request.

4- Official request shall be signed and sealed by the head of requesting agency or his deputy.


Article 6

Refusal of Request


1- The requested Party may refuse, completely or partially, to execute any request made in accordance with the provisions of the present Agreement if the execution of such request may prejudice the sovereignty, security, public order or any other national interest or may contravene its legislation or international obligations.

2- The request for cooperation may be refused if the act in relation with which the request was forwarded is not punishable under the law of the State of the requested Party.

3- The requested Party shall notify promptly the requesting Party of the reasons of refusal.


Article 7

Execution of Request


1- The requested Party shall take necessary procedures to ensure urgent and complete execution of the request. The requesting Party shall be promptly informed of the circumstances that may hinder or cause any delay in the execution of the request.

2- The requested Party may ask for additional information as deemed necessary to execute the request.

3- The requested Party may, if there is a reason, postpone the execution of the request or determine specific conditions to its execution. If the requesting Party agrees to such conditions, it shall be abide by them.

4- The requested Party, upon request of the requesting Party, shall take all necessary procedures to ensure the confidentiality of the request, its content and attachments as well as the confidentiality of the fact regarding the cooperation rendered. If it is not possible to execute a request without maintaining confidentiality, the requested Party shall inform the requesting Party who shall subsequently decide whether it is acceptable to execute the request under such conditions.

5- The requested Party shall at the earliest convenience inform the requesting Party on the result of the execution of the request.


Article 8

Rules of Using of the Received Information and Documents


1- The Parties shall not permit the use or release of any information or documents obtained under this Agreement for purposes other than those stated in the request without prior written consent of the disclosing Party.

2- Information obtained by either Party shall not be disclosed to any third party without written consent of the other Party.


Article 9



The Requested party shall bear the ordinary expenses of execution of request for cooperation under the present Agreement. However, if the execution of such request requires expenses of an extraordinary nature, the Parties shall consult in order to settle the terms and conditions under which the requested cooperation can be provided.

Article 10



A request for cooperation under the provision of this Agreement shall be made in Armenian or Arabic language with English translation.


Article 11

Competent Authorities for Cooperation


1- For the purpose of implementing this Agreement, cooperation shall be made through the following authorities:

a- For the Republic of Armenia:

- Police of the Republic of Armenia: adjunct to the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

- National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia: adjunct to the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

b- For the United Arab Emirates:

- General Administration of Federal Criminal Police, Ministry of Interior;

- State Security Department / In respect of state security crimes, cases of terrorism and crimes related to weapons of mass destruction and unconventional weapons.

2- In case of any amendment of above-mentioned authorities, the Parties shall immediately notify each other.

3- The Parties, when necessary, shall identify special operational units in order to establish direct contact points and communication channels.


Article 12

Meetings and Consultations


Representatives of both Parties, when necessary, may hold meetings and consultations for implementation of the provisions of the present Agreement.


Article 13

Disputes Settlement


All disputes which may arise between the Parties in connection with the interpretation or implementation of the present Agreement shall be settled amicably by both Parties through consultations and negotiations.


Article 14

Relation with Other International Agreements


1- The present Agreement shall not prejudice legal cooperation between the Parties in extradition and mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.

2- The present Agreement shall not prejudice rights or obligations of the Parties arising from other international agreements to which they are parties.


Article 15

Entry into Force, Amendment and Termination


1- This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of receipt of last notification where one Party informs the other Party through diplomatic channels of the completion of its internal legal procedures necessary for its entry into force.

2- Upon the written agreement of both Parties, amendments may be made in this Agreement which are formulated in separate protocols and comprise integral part of this Agreement. The protocols shall enter into force by as prescribed by this Article.

3- Either Party may terminate the present Agreement at any time by written notification given to the other Party through diplomatic channels. Such termination shall become effective six months after the date of receipt by the other Party of such notification. However, request already made before such notification being given shall continue to be governed by this Agreement until completion thereof.

The undersigned, being duly authorized thereto by their respective governments, have signed this Agreement.

Done at Dubai on 10/11/2016, in two originals each in Armenian, Arabic and English languages. All three texts are being authentic. In case of differing interpretations between the Armenian and Arabic texts, the English text shall prevail.


  The Agreement has entered into force on 5 February 2018

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