Գլխավոր տեղեկություն
Ակտի տիպ
Ինկորպորացիա (17.07.2012-մինչ օրս)
Ընդունող մարմին
Republic of Armenia
Ընդունման ամսաթիվ
Ուժի մեջ մտնելու ամսաթիվ






The Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria, hereinafter referred as the Parties,


Acknowledging the traditionally good Armenian-Bulgarian relations and the forthcoming for both countries common European perspective,


Considering that the cooperation in the field of labour and social protection will contribute to prompt implementation of proven good practices and positive experience in this extremely important domain at the present stage of development of both states,


Declaring their will to begin the development of bilateral cooperation based on the commonly accepted principles and norms of the international law and mutual respect and equality, agreed on the following:


Article 1


The Parties agree to cooperate in the field of labour and social protection in accordance with the present Agreement and the national legislation of their countries.


Article 2


The cooperation between the Parties stipulated by the present Agreement shall particularly include the following domains:

1. Legislation regulating social security and pension spheres.

2. Social cooperation with the non-governmental organizations.

3. Labour relations and their legislative basis, ways of resolution of labour disputes.

4. Overcoming poverty, socially protective mechanisms for combating poverty and social exclusion.

5. National Employment Strategy, actions and measures of active policy of the labour market and protection of the national labour market,

6. Vocational qualification of the labour force in accordance with the labour market needs and vocational qualification of elderly people,

7. Protection against unemployment and employment promotion, youth employment and integration of the disadvantaged groups on the labour market.

8. Ensuring healthy and safe work conditions.

9. Provision of social services at the specialized institutions and within the Community by governmental and non-governmental organizations.

10. Children protection and giving social assistance to children and their families.

11. Ensuring equal rights and opportunities for people with disabilities.

12. Equal opportunities of women and men.

13. Ensuring implementation of expenditure programmes planned in the state budget and carrying out of internal control over the spent means.

14. Providing expert support in transposition and practical implementation of the EU legislation in the field of free movement of people, social policy and employment.

15. All other domains, on which agreement would be reached by both Parties.


Article 3


The cooperation between the Parties stipulated by the present Agreement shall be carried out in the following forms:

1. Exchange of legislation, scientific publications, research papers and other materials concerning labour and social protection field.

2. Study visits.

3. Joint seminars on issues of mutual interest.

4. Participation of experts in conferences and other international events taking place on the territory of any of the Paries.

5. Carrying out of a training of Armenian experts at the Centre for Human Resource Development and Regional Initiatives - Sofia on preliminary agreed topics.

The Armenian side shall provide for financial support under the ILO technical assistance, if necessary.


Article 4


The competent authorities for the execution of the present Agreement shall be:

a) on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Armenia - the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs;

b) on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria - the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.


Article 5


The parties, where necessary, shall exchange in advance consultations on different issues, draft common positions and support by voting the acceptable international legal documents and the resolutions referring to them; likewise, the Parties shall mutually support applications of their countries for participation in working structures of the respective international organizations, coordinated in advance.


Article 6


The Parties shall carry out consultations on the draft of the bilateral Agreement on social security as well as on the regulation of employment of citizens of the Republic of Armenia in the Republic of Bulgaria and the citizens of Republic of Bulgaria in the Republic of Armenia.


Article 7


With the view of practical implementation of the cooperation under the present Agreement, the Parties shall establish biannual Action or Arrangement Plans, which will specify exact directions and types of cooperation, organizational and financial conditions, timing of measures. The Parties shall organize, where necessary, bilateral meetings aiming at discussing of common work in order to analyze the outcomes of the implementation of the signed biannual Action Plans.


Article 8


The representatives of the Parties shall organize regular meetings at ministerial level consecutively in each one of the countries. Issues of bilateral cooperation and measures for further development of bilateral relations in the field of labour and social protection will be discuss during these meetings, as well as exchange of opinions on all matters of mutual interest will take place.


Article 9


The Parties shall build up their bilateral relations in the spirit of further development of friendly cooperation and partnership in Europe.


Article 10


The Parties shall encourage the development of cooperation between governmental and non-governmental bodies and organizations dealing with labour and social protection issues.


Article 11


The funding for the purposes of implementation of the present Agreement shall be provided according to the national legislation of the Parties.

The travel expenses connected with the exchange of delegations and experts in the framework of the present Agreement shall he covered by the sending party, the daily allowance, accommodation and organizational expenses shall be covered by the receiving Party.


Article 12


On the initiative of any of the Parties and their mutual agreement there can be made amendments and supplements to the present Agreement, which shall be formulated in a separate protocol. The mentioned protocol will enter into force in accordance with the order set up for the present Agreement and will form its inseparable part.


Article 13


The present Agreement shall enter into force on the date of receiving of the last notification by diplomatic channels on completion of internal procedures envisaged by national legislation of the Parties.


The present Agreement shall be concluded for an indefinite period of time.


The present Agreement can be terminated by either Party by notification through diplomatic channels to the other Party on its intention to terminate it. In such a case, the Agreement expires six months after the receipt of the notification.


Termination of validity of the present Agreement shall not hamper the carrying out of already agreed concrete initiatives unless the Parties have not negotiated for their cancellation.


Signed in Yerevan on 3 April 2012 in two original copies, each in Armenian, Bulgarian and English languages, the tree texts being equally authentic.


In case of contradictions between the Parties in regard of interpretation of the provisions of the present Agreement during its implementation the text in English shall prevail.


The Agreement has entered into force on 17.07.2012.

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